Friday, February 28, 2020

Woodlice Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Woodlice - Lab Report Example Their food includes dead insects, roots of young plants and decaying vegetable materials. During the day they hide in cool dark places under stones and flower pots (Smith 7). Woodlice are harmless, and in spite of their name, they do not spoil wood. They have an external shell skeleton, which sheds off as they mature (Smith 6). The female woodlice are identified to keep fertilized eggs s under their bodies until they are hatched into small white young ones. Research has shown that females ones have the ability to reproduce sexually. Woodlice are crustaceans, which are found in the same class such as crabs and lobsters. However, their unpleasant taste distinguishes them from other group members. These types of creatures breathe through the lungs which are found in their hind legs. They are mainly found in earthly environment since they are used to losing a lot of water through excretion. Therefore, they live in damp and dark places such as rocks and logs, because they need moisture to survive. In comparison to other creatures, woodlice have predators such s spiders, lizards and birds. These predators depend on woodlice for their survival. To this effect woodlice have adaptive features that enable them to survive. Such features include rolling themselves in to some form of ball and stretch again to their normal size and length. They are found in varied lengths such as short, middle and long, and they also move at varied speeds. Method This experiment basically requires knowing how to control a population of woodlice. Around 24 of woodlice were place in the plastic container. The length and the length of internal of woodlice were taken by using a ruler and the microscope. Also, the number of plates was counted by using the microscope. In addition to that, the speeds of woodlice were taken by using two rulers to design the drag and the stopwatch as well to record the distance Results Trait Dorsal plate number Speed (seconds/10 cm) Length (cm) Color (values using so il color chart) Mean 7 21.20833333 0.991666667 5.083333333 Standard Deviation 0 +10.29131828 + 0.21450989 + 1.248187091 Standard Error 0 +2.100706547 +0.043786648 + 0.254785123 According to the information shown in the graph, the speed of woodlice has an effect to its survival. . From the report, short woodlice were shown to have survived (Therefore, predators are able to identify the long woodlice more easily than short ones. This explains the reason why woodlice roll in circular forms for their survival. When in their circular form, length can not be identified hence their survival. Short woodlice have the ability to hide from the predators since they are flexible. This enables them to survive because of their small size and speed. However, the long woodlice can be easily spotted by predators hence their decrease in population. In addition, their length makes them to move sluggishly compared to short ones who move fast and survive Discussion Scientific experiments depend on data t hat has been collected objectively. This indicates that researchers should not influence the results of an experiment with or without their knowledge. Instruments used in the study should be well placed and arranged so as to give reliable opinions and observations. Such observations shall be used to draw concussions, which may affect other areas of science negatively. This explains the reasons which led each group to encounter error in their experiment. For example, woodlice were not experimented in their natural habitat. When a living creature is removed from its natural environment, it tends o develop features that can assist it survive (Schmalfuss 76). However, if it fails it may die. Such deaths may decrease the woodlice population. Investigations should be carried in the normal area of the organism for

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


BUSINESS MODEL INTERROGATION & DEVELOPMENT - Case Study Example The company owns four business subsidiaries, Enterprise Solutions Group (ESG), End User computing (EUC), Dell Services and Dell Software. The EUC unit caters to the end users with laptops, notebooks, tablets and third party software applications along with other computer equipments and peripherals (Marketline, 2014). The rapid growth of technology over the past two decades has opened up prospective business opportunities for the company. The usage of computer devises in the global perspective has increased exponentially over the years and is likely to increase further in the coming five years (Census Bureau, 2013).The global revenue generated from the personal computer industry has increased to $427.12billion as of 2013 from $410.04 billion in 2012 (Morningstar, 2014). This indicates that the overall personal computer market is likely to grow in the near future. Over the years, the computing devices have evolved and the advent of mobile computing devices has changed the global usage of computers. Therefore, Dell has changed its product development strategies and has focused on laptops and tablets. The stock prices of Dell over the last 10 years suggest that the company has been quite profitable till 2008. However, the decline of stock prices started to accelerate after 2008. The stock price took a deep down turn in the first quarter of 2009 and again in the last quarter of 2012 (Google, 2015). After the last decline in the share prices, Dell has managed to restore its business, thereby increasing its share prices. The decline in the stock prices was mostly due to the increasing competition in the personal computer market. The growing usage of computing devices has attracted a lot of player in the market like Lenovo, Asus, HP, etc. This as a result had drastically increased the challenge for Dell, thereby degrading its sales volume which in turn decreased its share prices (Statista, 2014a; Myers, 1977). The organizational structure is characterized by a