Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Importance Of Freedom In The Tempest - 1512 Words

Freedom is an important topic of conversation in today’s society, continuing to be fought for within our own civilization as well as many others to this day. Americans value their freedom and celebrate it at every chance given, holidays and veterans honored more than ever for their importance. Freedom is still only bestowed upon the people as a privilege rather than a right; freedom can be fairly stripped from an individual whenever the situation deems it necessary in most societies including the United States. Whether it be at the wrong place and time or a purposeful crime committed, freedom can still be taken from people on a whim, and given back to those after a significant fight. In The Tempest by William Shakespeare, after being†¦show more content†¦This use of aside by Shakespeare allows the audience to know that Caliban is more than likely forever stuck under the foot of Prospero, held down by ball and chain on the island, and is likely to never gain freedom. O n the other hand, the other captive, Ariel, was promised freedom by Prospero so long as he followed every order given to him over the course of the following two days: â€Å"It goes on, I see, as my soul prompts it. Spirit, fine spirit! I ll free thee within two days for this† (1.2.414-16). By saying this to himself rather than just to Ariel, he expresses the truth behind his words as he would not lie to himself when he cannot be held accountable for it. Ariel’s first chance at independence, first a captive of an evil witch and now an ex-duke, is reliant on his potential release from the magical chains he seems to have bound around his hands. Both Caliban and Ariel are prisoners of Prospero, enslaved to perform duties in hopes of an eventual release, and both Caliban and Prospero make it quite evident how powerful he truly is over them, able to decide their fate on a whim, through their asides in the play, overall delineating the theme of captivity versus freedom. 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